S99: Neuropsychiatric Study
To determine the actual incidence in a cross-section population of behavior, attitudes and experiences frequently regarded by psychiatrists as indicative of neuroticism.
Original Size
Alternate Title
Problems Relating to Psychoneurosis
Sample Description
a. A cross-section of 3,729 literate white enlisted men in the Continental United States selected randomly from alphabetical rosters of 87 outfits in 5 AAF and 11 AGF and ASF installations distributed throughout Continental United States.
- One sample of 613 men from four AAF installations and one General Hospital.
- A second sample of 507 men from Special Battalions at three camps.
b. The AGF includes Divisional and Non-Divisional troops in the proper ratio and the ASF contains Operating and Non-Operating personnel in the proper proportions.
c. Within AAF the sample includes men in the proper proportion under: Training Command (Students and others), not under Training Command (Housekeeping, Tactical Service, Combat Tactical and Replacement Crews), and in various branches (Medical, Engineers, Ordnance, Quartermaster, Signal, Coast Artillery and Chemical Warfare).
d. Within ASF the sample includes men in the proper proportions assigned to: Engineers, Ordnance, Quartermaster, Signal, Medical, Military Police, Transportation, Chemical Warfare, DEML, NBA and Station Complement.
e. Within AGF the sample includes men in the proper proportions in: Infantry Training Regiments, Reconnaissance Training, Infantry Divisions, Armored Infantry, Tank, Field Artillery, Ordnance, Signal, Medical, Combat Engineers, Military Police, Coast Artillery and Anti-aircraft Artillery.
f. Two samples of Neuropsychiatric Cases
Sample Method
See Planning Survey II for standard operating procedure.
Scales and Scores
a. Normals and Neuropsychiatrics - Card I and II Combined:
- Sports (Qs 39a-39f) in Col. 15
- Identification with War (Qs 29-33) in top half of Col. 16
- Childhood Symptoms (Qs 58, 60, 96, 97a, 97b) in top half of Col. 17
- Mobility (Qs 6, 19-21) in top half of Col. 18
- Worry (Qs 28, 69, 71-72) in top half of Col. 19
- Soldier Role (Qs 25, 34-36) in top half of Col. 20
- Sociability (Qs 64-66) in Col. 21
- Childhood Fighting (Qs 41-43) in Col. 22
- Childhood School (Qs 61-63) in Col. 23
- Emancipation (Qs 88- 93) in Col. 24
- Relationship with Parents (Qs 83-87a& b) in Col. 25
- Personal Adjustment (Qs 22-24, 26, 67-68) in Col. 26
- Touchiness (Qs 27, 40, 73-80) in Col. 27
- Psychosomatic Complaints (Qs 45-57, 95, 98) in Cols. 28-29
- Combined Score of following scales listed above (#1, #3, #5, #6, #7, #12, #13, and #14) in Col. 79
b. Normals and Neuropsychiatrics - Card III
Guttman Short Inventory
a. Original Score based on Cols. 13, 14, 44, 47, 49, 73 and 80 of Card I and II Combined punched in to Col. 15 of Card III
b. Regression Weights punched in Cols. 31-32 of Card III
c. 2, 1, 0 weights punched in Cols. 34 and 36 of Card III
Psychosomatic Complaints
a. Regression Weights punched in Cols. 32 & 23 of Card III
b. 2,1,0 weights punched in Cols. 24 & 25 of Card III
c. 1,0 weights punched in Cols. 28 & 29 of Card III
Neurotic Diagnostic score based on Cols. 13, 14, 43, 45, 47, 75, 76, 80 of Card I & II combined punched in to Cols. 36 and 37 of Card III
Neurotic Prognostic Score based on Cols. 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 45, 47, 71 of Cards I & II Combined punched into Cols. 63 & 64 of Card III
B Score of NSA (6 items) punched in Col. 65 of Card III
A Score of NSA (5 items) punched in Col. 67 of Card III
Location Details
Truax Field, WI
Barksdale, LA
Gulfport, MS
Scott Field, IL
Eglin Field, FL
Lawson General Hospital, GA
Gordon, GA
Stewart, GA
McCoy, WI
Swift, TX
Gruber, OK
Wolters, TX
Van Dorn, MI
Beale, CA
Ord, CA
Cooke, CA
Gordon Johnson, FL
Study Analysts
Surgeon General’s Office Research Branch Morale Service Division
B-104 The Screening of Neurotics
B-107 A Study of Psychoneurotics in the Army
B-116 A Further Study of Psychoneurotics in the Army (Supplemental to Report B-107)
ETO B-4 Preliminary Results from a Survey of Psycho-Neurotic's and Normal Soldiers

2. Don't let others run over you 3. Apple polishing will, as a rule, get you more than working conscientiously.

A soldier needs good books/magazines available to read, to keep posted on our industrial changes which will affect each individual in the post war.

21 BKLN [Brooklyn] Dodgers in 4F. [unsuitable for military service] the cream of a strenuous sport. A madman can see thru this, untill such nonsence is stopped morale will remain low. Latrines should be private & quiet individual stalls

*38 The Japanese have done nothing but cause trouble. In my opinion they have done nothing to further world unity. These people have always been babarestic in their ways & have always taugth their children to kill or be killed. In the U.S. a child of 5 is bought toys to play with. In Japan a child of 5 is given a knife & taught how to use it on his neighbor.

Technically I can go to O.C.S. without further formality although actually such is not the case. I do not understand why the reduction could not have been foreseen and why I was ever accepted if I was not to be sent. I do not feel that I have been treated rightly in the matter. There were others in the same situation as myself.

The Army should give P.A.C.'s [Pre-Aviation Cadets] a chance to go to college before classification. There should be better means of heating an army camp besides coal.

That is one reason I hate this fuckin Army. No use telling you people. No one can help us. If you want to help us let the fellows who come back from overseas get out & make money. After the war all we can be are men who helped this war & got a fuckin. It happened before & will again. I hate this set-up. It is killing us not curing us Come back for hospitalization. All they

Can't some law be made to draft "Strikers" in our war plants into the Service where they have to work the same as those of us who are in the Service. Certainly their jobs in the plants are as vital as ours as a soldier. If we did have such a law not many people would go on "strikes." It is very demoralizing to us soldiers when we read of thousands of people in the war plants stopping production by just sitting down at their jobs. The soldiers can't do it and get away with it and its the peoples war as well as soldiers.

Why do some C.O.s hold back ratings for men who have worked for them. Some officers treat an enlisted man as dirt. I guess they forget they could have been an enlisted man. They should check on this. When an E.M. comes in late of pass he is either busted or restricted to the post. But not an officer. When they renew a division such as the 42 Inf. Div. why should they be so strict as to what a soldier can wear when off duty. Such as this Div. ruling - no billed hats or leather belts on dress uniforms. We think we should be allowed to wear what we please as long as we stay with in a certain limit. An enlisted man likes to be dressed nice to [too]. Not only officers. Why do some train conductors & R.R. officials cater to civilians. And the way the papers keep saying how good we eat. Well they ought to know

I think if an enlisted man can't go any place with a non com after working hours,I figure one man with bars or stripes is no better than anyone else so why should he go to combat with him or any other place? Officers don't trust most of their men. All in all most of the men I talk to would like to go accross get this war over then go home. I'm right with them.

The morale in USA is not up to standard. Every where soldiers, are not satisfied. There should be more sports to build up the morale. They should be compelled

Too many restrictions on this side. Probably needed in battle areas but I don't think they are needed here. Should have a furlough of about fifteen days, at least every six months. Don't think much of the food. Should have better trained cooks. After eating what I eat, I wonder where all the good food goes to. Man will have sexual relations with woman

Could a person be sent nerrer home if he was or had to have an

As you know it take a man to mke a officers not a fold.

2. Don't let others run over you 3. Apple polishing will, as a rule, get you more than working conscientiously.

A soldier needs good books/magazines available to read, to keep posted on our industrial changes which will affect each individual in the post war.

21 BKLN [Brooklyn] Dodgers in 4F. [unsuitable for military service] the cream of a strenuous sport. A madman can see thru this, untill such nonsence is stopped morale will remain low. Latrines should be private & quiet individual stalls

*38 The Japanese have done nothing but cause trouble. In my opinion they have done nothing to further world unity. These people have always been babarestic in their ways & have always taugth their children to kill or be killed. In the U.S. a child of 5 is bought toys to play with. In Japan a child of 5 is given a knife & taught how to use it on his neighbor.

Technically I can go to O.C.S. without further formality although actually such is not the case. I do not understand why the reduction could not have been foreseen and why I was ever accepted if I was not to be sent. I do not feel that I have been treated rightly in the matter. There were others in the same situation as myself.

The Army should give P.A.C.'s [Pre-Aviation Cadets] a chance to go to college before classification. There should be better means of heating an army camp besides coal.

That is one reason I hate this fuckin Army. No use telling you people. No one can help us. If you want to help us let the fellows who come back from overseas get out & make money. After the war all we can be are men who helped this war & got a fuckin. It happened before & will again. I hate this set-up. It is killing us not curing us Come back for hospitalization. All they

Can't some law be made to draft "Strikers" in our war plants into the Service where they have to work the same as those of us who are in the Service. Certainly their jobs in the plants are as vital as ours as a soldier. If we did have such a law not many people would go on "strikes." It is very demoralizing to us soldiers when we read of thousands of people in the war plants stopping production by just sitting down at their jobs. The soldiers can't do it and get away with it and its the peoples war as well as soldiers.

Why do some C.O.s hold back ratings for men who have worked for them. Some officers treat an enlisted man as dirt. I guess they forget they could have been an enlisted man. They should check on this. When an E.M. comes in late of pass he is either busted or restricted to the post. But not an officer. When they renew a division such as the 42 Inf. Div. why should they be so strict as to what a soldier can wear when off duty. Such as this Div. ruling - no billed hats or leather belts on dress uniforms. We think we should be allowed to wear what we please as long as we stay with in a certain limit. An enlisted man likes to be dressed nice to [too]. Not only officers. Why do some train conductors & R.R. officials cater to civilians. And the way the papers keep saying how good we eat. Well they ought to know

I think if an enlisted man can't go any place with a non com after working hours,I figure one man with bars or stripes is no better than anyone else so why should he go to combat with him or any other place? Officers don't trust most of their men. All in all most of the men I talk to would like to go accross get this war over then go home. I'm right with them.

The morale in USA is not up to standard. Every where soldiers, are not satisfied. There should be more sports to build up the morale. They should be compelled

Too many restrictions on this side. Probably needed in battle areas but I don't think they are needed here. Should have a furlough of about fifteen days, at least every six months. Don't think much of the food. Should have better trained cooks. After eating what I eat, I wonder where all the good food goes to. Man will have sexual relations with woman

Could a person be sent nerrer home if he was or had to have an

As you know it take a man to mke a officers not a fold.

2. Don't let others run over you 3. Apple polishing will, as a rule, get you more than working conscientiously.

A soldier needs good books/magazines available to read, to keep posted on our industrial changes which will affect each individual in the post war.

21 BKLN [Brooklyn] Dodgers in 4F. [unsuitable for military service] the cream of a strenuous sport. A madman can see thru this, untill such nonsence is stopped morale will remain low. Latrines should be private & quiet individual stalls

*38 The Japanese have done nothing but cause trouble. In my opinion they have done nothing to further world unity. These people have always been babarestic in their ways & have always taugth their children to kill or be killed. In the U.S. a child of 5 is bought toys to play with. In Japan a child of 5 is given a knife & taught how to use it on his neighbor.

Technically I can go to O.C.S. without further formality although actually such is not the case. I do not understand why the reduction could not have been foreseen and why I was ever accepted if I was not to be sent. I do not feel that I have been treated rightly in the matter. There were others in the same situation as myself.

The Army should give P.A.C.'s [Pre-Aviation Cadets] a chance to go to college before classification. There should be better means of heating an army camp besides coal.

That is one reason I hate this fuckin Army. No use telling you people. No one can help us. If you want to help us let the fellows who come back from overseas get out & make money. After the war all we can be are men who helped this war & got a fuckin. It happened before & will again. I hate this set-up. It is killing us not curing us Come back for hospitalization. All they

Can't some law be made to draft "Strikers" in our war plants into the Service where they have to work the same as those of us who are in the Service. Certainly their jobs in the plants are as vital as ours as a soldier. If we did have such a law not many people would go on "strikes." It is very demoralizing to us soldiers when we read of thousands of people in the war plants stopping production by just sitting down at their jobs. The soldiers can't do it and get away with it and its the peoples war as well as soldiers.

Why do some C.O.s hold back ratings for men who have worked for them. Some officers treat an enlisted man as dirt. I guess they forget they could have been an enlisted man. They should check on this. When an E.M. comes in late of pass he is either busted or restricted to the post. But not an officer. When they renew a division such as the 42 Inf. Div. why should they be so strict as to what a soldier can wear when off duty. Such as this Div. ruling - no billed hats or leather belts on dress uniforms. We think we should be allowed to wear what we please as long as we stay with in a certain limit. An enlisted man likes to be dressed nice to [too]. Not only officers. Why do some train conductors & R.R. officials cater to civilians. And the way the papers keep saying how good we eat. Well they ought to know

I think if an enlisted man can't go any place with a non com after working hours,I figure one man with bars or stripes is no better than anyone else so why should he go to combat with him or any other place? Officers don't trust most of their men. All in all most of the men I talk to would like to go accross get this war over then go home. I'm right with them.

The morale in USA is not up to standard. Every where soldiers, are not satisfied. There should be more sports to build up the morale. They should be compelled

Too many restrictions on this side. Probably needed in battle areas but I don't think they are needed here. Should have a furlough of about fifteen days, at least every six months. Don't think much of the food. Should have better trained cooks. After eating what I eat, I wonder where all the good food goes to. Man will have sexual relations with woman

Could a person be sent nerrer home if he was or had to have an

As you know it take a man to mke a officers not a fold.