Question 101A: Free Response


Neuropsychiatric Study


Final Field Form
If yes, just what is not needed?
Put words or phrases inside quotes to search for an exact match.
Combining winter training with ordinary training.
Some - of the - more - strenuous exercises - which - prove - more - harmfull - then - benificial
Old men having to retake basic training.
Standing at attention and drilling all the time
hikes, lectures on Venereal Disease
25 mile hikes are not needed as one very seldom does it in combat.
A lot of this night troop schools, when you have been working all day.
Not to [too] much hiking.
so many training films it gets tiresome seeing them all day long.
The colim [column] lift & right you wont do that in combat.
So much military courtesy and too many night problems & bivouacs
(Continually) Drill Its important for time, but I had more than enough of it.
The training that creates more hate and prejudice for other peoples and races.
Some eyewash & silly rules & regulations they have on some posts
Dispense with the unnecessary details of which there are many.
drill, gas lectures, K.P. details, civilian bosses, etc.
Retreat formations, parades, half the inspections[\underline].
There is entirely to much double time in the outfit I'm with. It wasn't necessary in my last outfit and isn't necessary in this one
Yes hikes are needed but not in the quantity we get them I think they harm a man more than train him. I still say 6 hikes a week are too much especially 6 speed marches