Question 100: Free Response


Neuropsychiatric Study


Final Field Form
Suppose you had a kid brother who was about to be inducted. What are the most important things you would want to tell him about the Army? (Write what you want to say).
Put words or phrases inside quotes to search for an exact match.
Do what your told. Don't ask silly questions. Stay out of trouble and offences.
Keep his eyes, ears open and his mouth shut. It doesn't do you any good to say anything anyway. Make as many friends as possible & be easy to get along with. be a good fellow but don't let them all run over you.
The Army explains itself as you go along; I have no advice except to obey orders.
Make sure you get a proper med [medical] exam & make sure your fitted for your chosen branch.
Do what he was told to do & don't buck the noncoms & officers. Do the job to the best of your abality.
1. Not to take reprimands too much to heart.

2. Don't let others run over you 3. Apple polishing will, as a rule, get you more than working conscientiously.
To join up and try not to be inducted, but if he is inducted get into the air corp if possible.
I would tell him to stick up for his rights and not to depend on the medics for any thing.
He would have a certain objective for his training. He would be prepared to go. To do what he is told to do & cooperate in every way possible. Never have to get a T.S. [tough shit] card from the chaplain.
Stay the fuck out if you can. The army ruins every one. The non-coms & officers are all chicken shit. Knock the hell out of them if you get a chance
Make up his mind he has to take orders & quite often from men who were his superior both mentally, physically & otherwise. To try to adapt himself to his new mode of living & make the best of it all. To sum up - be a good soldier at all times.
Carry out all orders he is given & to the best of his ability without an argument. Try and feel that everything he is told or required to do in the Army is for his benefit and the country as a whole.
Do what he was told & ask questions later. Respect his officers at all times and places. Be sure & stay in good with the other men.
Try your best first to get in the Navy or Marines if not then come in and wish for the best,
Keep his mouth shut, and so what he is told to do. Get into a branch where he can help his country most.
Not to try to be a big shot, for him to learn to take orders without "bitching" also to make friends with everyone.
About all I would say is to stay out of Mississippi. To obey all orders given to you and to be as neat & clean as you can be.
To stay out hifft he can
Do just as they tell you because the Army has no feeling whatsoever for a man except what it can get out of him. Try to get a chance to learn something that will do a man some good after the war. Hope & Pray that you dont get sent to an infantry division
Know first of all hes being inducted because hes important to Army. Try to do as he is told. For it pays in long run. Be careful with whom he associated with.