S144: Post-War Plans of Negro Soldiers

To determine what Negro troops within the continental limits of the United States were thinking with respect to their post-war plans.

a. The areas covered included:

  1. jobs
  2. education
  3. business
  4. migration
  5. Army career
  6. racial tensions.

b. The study was so designed as to be able to compare the post-war plans of Negro troops with these of white troops (S-106E).

c. This study was carefully pretested at Indiantown Gap to determine at what educational level it would be necessary to do interviewing, and how meaningful the questions were to Negro troops of different backgrounds.



Aug '44

Original Size




Sample Description

The total sample contains 4,679 Negro enlisted men from 2 AAF and 9 ASF & AGF installations.

Sample Method

a. The total sample is representative of all Negroes in the army in each of the three forces. There is an overrepresentation of Northern and better educated Negro. However, there is a cross section subsample which has been adequately weighted by origin and education to make it comparable to the white cross section sample in S-106E. This sample containing 3001 cases and can be identified by a “Reject” (or no punch) in Col. 80

b. The study was administered in the field by Negro officers and enlisted personnel. Men AGCT scores in class IV or V with 5 years of grade school or less were interviewed.

Scales and Scores

a. Farm group gang punched in lower half of Col. 26

b. Desire for post war schooling (Qs 31, 41, 42, 43) punched in Col. 73

c. Return to old job (Qs 24, 31, 32, 33) punched in Col. 74

d. Own businesses gang punched in Col. 75

e. Attitude toward staying in army (Qs 44, 45, 46, 51) punched in Col. 76

f. Job satisfaction (Qs 15, 16, 17, 20) punched in Col. 77

g. Cross section identification is “Reject” or no

Location Details

Indiantown Gap Military Reservation, PA

Camp Ellis, IL

Ft. Knox, KY

Camp Breckinridge, KY

Camp Gordon, GA

Camp George Jordan, WA

Mitchel Field, NY

San Francisco POE (John T. Knight, Oakland), CA

Ft. Devens, MA

Ft. Dix, NJ

Camp Hood, TX

Ft. Lewis, WA

Camp Plauche, LA

Tuskegee AAF, AL

Field Personnel


Lyonel C. Florant

William Bryant


Study Analysts

Leta Adler
John Clausen
Lyonel C. Florant
Abram Jaffe
Shirley Star
Edward Suchman


B-131 Soldiers' Plans for Farming After They Leave The Army

CBI-6 Study of Attitudes, Actions and Knowledge Related to V.D.

CBI-8 Questions to the President - A Study of Soldier Attitudes in CBI

CBI-10 Attitudes, Knowledge and Preventive Practices-Related to Malaria

Nara Catalog

Put words or phrases inside quotes to search for an exact match.
What is your present Army rank or grade?
How old were you on your last birthday?
Are you single, married, divorced or separated, or widowed? F. If married: Q.4. Were you married before or after entering the Army?
How many children do you have?
How far did you go in school?
Did you have any additional schooling or technical training before you entered the Army?
How long have you been in the Army? E. If you have been in the Army before, then were out for awhile, just check the length of time since you entered this last time. If you were in the National Guard, check the length of time since your outfit came into the Army.
How did you come into the Army?
Where were you living just before you came into the Army?
How long had you been living there before you entered the Army?
What branch of the Army are you in now?
Did you ever go to an Army specialist school (such as cook, airplane engine mechanic, radio operator, truck driver, etc.)? If yes, what courses did you actually finish at the Army specialist school? E. Primary interest is in courses which have a definite carry over into civilian life.
What is your main Army job or assignment? Q.14b. Just what kind of work do you do?
How long have you had this as your main Army job or assignment?
How long have you had this as your main Army job or assignment?
How long have you had this as your main Army job or assignment?
How long have you had this as your main Army job or assignment?
How long have you had this as your main Army job or assignment?
How long have you had this as your main Army job or assignment?
How long have you had this as your main Army job or assignment?