S132: Rotation Study
To collect data on the attitudes of veterans just returned to the United States under the Rotation System.
a. The general areas covered are:
The reactions of the men to their processing or handling -
a) on the boat coming back to the United States
b) at the Debarkation Center
c) at the Reception Station
d) at the Reassignment Center
e) at hospitals in the United States
f) during transportation from the Debarkation Center to the Reception Station
g) during assignment interview
h) during their leisure time
Misconceptions of the men about -
a) possibility of being stationed near home
b) length of furlough
c) probable assignments
Attitudes of the men toward -
a) treatment by civilians
b) treatment by troops stationed in Zone of the Interior
c) going overseas again
d) own physical and mental condition
Original Size
Alternate Title
Troops on Rotation from Overseas
Sample Description
The study has 3 samples:
a. 1000 enlisted men veterans from one Port of Debarkation (Patrick Henry)
b. 1134 enlisted men veterans from 3 Reception Centers (Ft. Meade, Ft. Meyer, and Camp Upton)
c. 636 enlisted men veterans from one Reassignment Station (Camp Butner, N.C.)
Sample Method
The study was designed so as to intercept men at three different stages of processing: a. Debarkation Center (before men had contacted civilians of troops in the Zone of the Interior)
b. Reception Center (to get men's reactions to the Debarkation center while it was still fresh in their minds)
c. Reassignment Center (after men had been home on furlough and had come into contact with civilians and soldiers in the Zone of the Interior)
Location Details
Camp Butner, NC
Camp Patrick Henry, VA
Camp Upton, NY
Ft. George G. Meade, MD
Ft. Meyer, VA
Field Personnel
William B. Armstrong, Jr.
Robert Wallace
Clarence Glick
Jack Elinson
Study Analysts
B-110 Soldier Interest Is Twenty-seven Post-war Army Courses
B-113 Attitudes of Enlisted Rotational Personnel and Returnees at the Eastern Personnel Reassignment Center.
B-114 Attitudes of Enlisted Men Recently Returned from Overseas on their Processing Before Going Home on Furlough and on Their Reassignment
Monthly Progress Report, Section 10, August 1944 Attitudes of Returned Overseas Veterans
Nara Catalog

S132A.Q53B.C: It feels darned good to be back in the USA where I can get [cleaned?] up and wash some of the blood off my hands and try and forget some of the past murder and strife. I want to get near to our God and feel others should to. The army hasn't set a very good example

S132A.Q53C.C: I am very happy to be back in the good old United States. I do hate the go home with a section VIII. Do wish the Army would give me a chance to prove my-self a better soldier.

S132A.Q53B.C: But after that deal mentioned in Q-#52 the army is making a mistake. What is my new CO going to think of a man coming into his outfit undergoing punishment? A goof! I have a 135 IQ also hold a commendation from a Colonel. If they treat me as a basic I'll stay one. S132A.Q53C.C: Swell. Did you ever stop to think that the lady in N.Y. harbor is a 300% morale builder? It is.

[cirle]2 Give at least 50% of the men the branch of services they always wanted, not what they were given. That would help the morale of the boy overseas who will come back some time S132A.Q53C.C: I'm so happy that words can't express my feelings. The big shots overseas try to discourage rotation as much as possible which tends to make the morale there very low. I for example was told 6 months before they actually sent me which I believe was due to pressure somewhere.

S132A.Q53B.C: A lot of the men returning will want to be welcomed as he left the States. And they don't want to be treated as if they are strangers or so. S132A.Q53C.C: I think it the greatest day any man can ever have to see the Golden Gate again and I for one and the rest are very happy to be back to see some civilization after being in the jungles 2 1/2 years.

S132A.Q53C.C: It is not quite fair to say real good - But God has been our side and the Heroes never come back. Pals who remain molding in jungle or desert dust are the Heroes - We have just begun to fight -

S132A.Q53B.C: Can't comment. Have just returned from overseas myself. S132A.Q53C.C: It's the most wonderful feeling a person can ever have. You can never realize what a wonderful country this really is until you see other parts of this world. For my part. the hell with all those countries over there. They are not worth one american life. Europe will always have its war. I have also learned not to trust any one of them, not even our allies. They envy us. They'd soon cut your life away for our wealth.

S132A.Q53B.C: Well I think they should be handled like men should be for they have done a great part in this war S132A.Q53C.C: Well it feels like this is the best place in the world for when you go Overseas there isnt any thing to look forward to, not enouth [enough] to eat and it is bad on your health in the jungles all kinds of disease

S132A.Q53B.C: If this means putting then on the list to come home I suggest and I mean it very much. Send men home according to time no other reason and I assure you the War Dept troubles will be half if not more than solved S132A.Q53C.C: After more than 4 1/2 yrs overseas. I can honestly say I was very happy when I reach the States. It make you want to just scream with joy, because then you know the country still think about you or they wouldn't let you come back. yes thank God I am very very happy indeed.

S132A.Q53B.C: try to make life

S132A.Q53B.C: Give them the best of food and shelter - Let his dream become a reality. I don't mean to lax disipline but be down to earth & let him know that our people appreciate what he has been doing over there S132A.Q53C.C: It's a dream come true. A man can look around him and see the richness of this great country. - She's worth fighting for but I didn't realize it untill I saw places like Africa, Sicily, Italy. They don't live, they

S132A.Q53B.C: By speeding up, instead of laying around waiting to long. S132A.Q53C.C: It feels to good to be true, but my morale is low when I think of where I am going after my furlough. I know it will be overseas again and I don't like it. the last trip overseas has revived me, I can't think straight anymore.

S132A.Q53B.C: Give them more information concerning the Rotation Policy. Much faster job should be made for the men leaving their overseas post after the quota has been

S132A.Q53B.C: Don't call them for formation hours before they are needed. Don't tell them you know they have been overseas but you have been doing your job here. Don't tell them that its "tough shit". Do pay the men. Do have them fill out these forms. Do have candy and soft drinks at the docks. Do get them home as soon as possible with money and new clothes. S132A.Q53C.C: It's the best break I've had in the Army. Try going overseas in a replacement Depot for a couple of months without telling your work and let a Non-Combat Colonel kick you around like Col. Tenny at the 7th Rpl. Depot. We know all can't get the best up front but how about a break back of the lines?

S132A.Q53B.C: In general, the handling thus for at this part has been excellent. We have been promised that we will be on our way home within 24 hours, no "GI" expects any more efficient handling than that. S132A.Q53C.C: It is a feeling which is hard to express. My first impression of the city of San Francisco from the rail of the troopship was like the "Lost Horizon", a long lost civilization suddenly rediscovered. To sum it up it is the grandest feeling one can experience after a continuous stretch of 2 yrs in the jungles of New Guinea.

S132A.Q53C.C: It really makes you feel like a different man. But you can't help but think of your buddies that you left overseas.

S132A.Q53B.C: By giving the a long enough furlough to enable them, to get acquainted with children such as nephews, nieces, sisters born, while he was away and to get reacostomed to the things he loved so that he can always keep in mind the things he has been fighting for. Send him home in a good fitting, smart uniform. S132A.Q53C.C: It feels like all that one has been through over there was just a nightmare, it feels like as if one has just left the States for a short period. It make a soldier feel so good that it does not seem possible that he is really back in his beloved country.

S132A.Q53B.C: Id get on the tail of some of the brass hats down at millim Bay they don't seem to know their ? from a hole in the Ground and eliminate some of the red tape the setup here at McDowel seems to be right on the ball as far as Ive seen of it. S132A.Q53C.C: It feels pretty good Im thankful our government has given me that chance which I do not hesitate to say was a doubt in my mind Dec 7, 1941 Ill ever be grateful to our country which was kind enough to give me such a happy moment

S132A.Q53B.C: hard time controlling combat vets. In other words, the vets won't take any shit from a non-combatant officer. If the men are L.A. put them in a defense shop and I guarantee production would go up 50%. And why, because they realize what it's like over there and also that their buddies life may depend on their work S132A.Q53C.C: America is a great country. I'm glad I had the opportunity to do my little bit for it. After being overseas, I'm really going to appreciate everything that it offers me. Its great to be back and I'm not kidding

S132A.Q53B.C: The Replacement Centers are lousy, the officers are fuck ups. The 4th Rept. Depot treated Rotation men with contempt, more like Dogs. The tents there were worse than fox dens, no Organization at all I have seen in the Rotation Plan. S132A.Q53C.C: I can't describe it. It is not fair for Rated men to be sent from the States to fill these Ratings. The men in the outfits should absorb the Ratings so a lot of men are not getting sent back when their time comes.

S132A.Q53B.C: To be appreciated as a good soldiers by civilians or army personnel. Give us a break for we have broken the ice. S132A.Q53C.C: I feel mighty proud of my country. My heart was filled with joy after been overseas for almost 3 years and then seeing the Golden Gate. Then again I feel better for the fact of possibly going overseas.

S132A.Q53B.C: issue a pair of fatigues while comming over and having a little cleaner ships. The chow should be improved a great deal. S132A.Q53C.C: It feels great to be back which a few months ago I thought would never happen. Most fellows have a feeling they will never see the US again.