Question 52.3: Free Response
Rotation Study
Form A
In general, do you feel you have gotten a square deal from the Army?
Put words or phrases inside quotes to search for an exact match.

Yes I cite my own case. After two years flawless service overseas I got foolish & was AWOL for two days. Special C.M. [Courts Martial] Sen [sentenced]- 2 mo on & 2/3 pay f [for] / 6 mo. Restrictd to Post. Returned to U.S. undergoing fine for another 3 mo. Couldn't it be remitted? Basis of past record.

It seems all the hand shakers get all the ratings + the poor privates do all the work feel very low still being a Private after 2 1/2 years over seas.

The only square deal I ever gotten from the Army is being sent home.

I have been held back in making a rating because the Plat Leader didn't like me. This is very true in all line of Outfits. Where officers are usually fresh from OCS

As a soldier overseas I feel we had to waist food even after we pulled back of the line while other troops employed in the rear had good food. The best food I've had in a year was at Camp Patrick Henry today, July 11,

The matter of selecting candidates for DOS; the opportunities offered to the enlisted men and civilians back in the States as compared to those afforded enlisted men overseas were much greater and more varied.

Considering the circumstances I would say Im very grateful to the government for putting the Rotation plan into effect in a little while I'll be ready to Get on my horse again

On my person, I have a paper recommending me for a promotion but I know damned well I'll get fucked out of it

From the army yes, but we really do have officers who are stupid and from them I have had raw deals.

In one respect I have been given a good deal. that is to go home after being overseas to see my love ones before I may go over again.

I should have a good physical check before being reassigned and if still in 1-A should be given an easy job for awhile.
S132A.Q53B.C: It feels darned good to be back in the USA where I can get [cleaned?] up and wash some of the blood off my hands and try and forget some of the past murder and strife. I want to get near to our God and feel others should to. The army hasn't set a very good exampleand I feel that the starting of this war was as much our fault as it was our enemy. are not setting a very good example to the world at this time. We soldiers and our leaders must do better. I feel we should get back to the way our Lord intended us to live. We in the army have drifted from this way which is good
It feels darned good to be back in the USA where I can get cleaned up and wash some of the blood off my hands and try and forget some of the past murder and strife. I want to get near to our God and feel others should to. The army hasn't set a very good example to others and I feel the starting of this war is as much our fault as it was our enemy's. We are not setting a very good example to the world at this time. We soldiers and our leaders must do better I feel we should get back to the way our God intended us to live, we in the army have drifted from this way which is good
S132A.Q53B.C: It feels darned good to be back in the USA where I can get [cleaned?] up and wash some of the blood off my hands and try and forget some of the past murder and strife. I want to get near to our God and feel others should to. The army hasn't set a very good example

After 3 years in the army I am still a PFC. In the Army it is not what you know but who you know.

Main trouble is with officers showing partiality to a certain few, and giving them ratings and better assignments irregardless of what the parties abilities are.

As much as I hate to say it there is still favoritism shown the enlisted man. The brass pick their pets for the ratings instead of the man for the job. The commissioned officers are on a pedestal a little too high to rate with our Democratic Gov't.


I am ambitious and intelligent and still have never been able to get a rating due to my outfit getting replacements who already had ratings. I have held positions calling for ratings but still there never seemed to be one open.

I do not drink enough to warrant a section VIII Have been told by Officers I a one of the best men in the company when sober
S132A.Q53C.C: I am very happy to be back in the good old United States. I do hate the go home with a section VIII. Do wish the Army would give me a chance to prove my-self a better soldier.
S132A.Q53C.C: I am very happy to be back in the good old United States. I do hate the go home with a section VIII. Do wish the Army would give me a chance to prove my-self a better soldier.

I was to have had a crack at OCS but never got it. I was waiting to go & bang I went the other way. As for my outfit, I got a sq. deal - for being an N.C. outfit I feel they gave me (a replacement) a damn good sq. deal.