Question 97: Free Response


Trend Study


Final Field Form
If you have any further remarks you would like to make on any subject please write them below as you like.
Put words or phrases inside quotes to search for an exact match.
I've just read about Argentina selling goods to Germany. And how Japanese prisoners got out of hand. Damn it, lets get hard and stopping being so easy with those rats. Men are dying from it. Get tough and stay tough or we won't ever win the peace.
O.C.S. Boards should not select officer candidates because they are tall & look like a Hollywood officer.

We should have joined up with Germany & beat Enland & Russia & Japan. Communisms worse than Natsm. The South is in Economic Slavery to the North. In a fight for freedom we should be fighting them. We are but a conquored territory, fighting for them as Austria is fighting for Germany. The Germans sacked only a small town call Ludice. The North
in the Civil War ravaged several whole States & put Negro rulers over a conquered people. The most horrible rape in the History of civilization. The South should have resisted & joined up with Germany to beat the North & Japan & Russia.
I don't think they should draft a man over 35 by the time he is trained he is of no use to the army & he cant keep up with the younger boys. Most of them are willing & try harder than the young but just can't take it. For the government to be more watchfull of Draft boards in larger citys where there is to much graft as example Detroit. This is not a personal beef but I know and turned a man in to the fbi for buying himself out for another 6 months but he is in now
I have nothing more to say, only to the person who is checking this question. That every body will be happy when its all over. The same as you. So the boys can go home to their loved ones + Mothers + Fathers. We Will Win
one man of this country could have done averted this war but he said no to the question of selling munitions to germany as well as england.
I find in my thoughts that the English people are trying and have succeeded in letting Russia take the dirty blows of the Nazi forces. You hardly find the British stepping out and hunting for a battle which could help the war come to an end. They expect
the enemy to come to them. But of course that is what a clever enemy appreciates about Britain. While Britain stays at home the enemy builds more destructive weapons to fight with. Now why doesnt the British strike & strike now. Russia is engaging Nazi army in the east, American army are attacking in the South with Canadian troops. England surely could strike thru the north.
My Pop is making more money but he had to quit farming due to no help. It seems like the farm is very important but what he is doing is helping a lot.
The U. S. Government should see to it the Germany will not start any more wars. America would also be a much better place to live in if they held down the Jews. Hitler did the correct thing but did it in the wrong way when he chased out the Jews. They should also hold down the Negroes especially in the North. There are very few Jews in the Army. There is going to be a war after this one in the United States against the Jews.
I do think that some fellows who deserve stripes do not get them, as for myself & a few other boys that I know that have been in the army one year & been working on planes for 8 months, & also been put up for stripes for the last 6 months & I'm still waiting like my other friends are.
It would be a lot better if they discarded of the AAA and leave the thousands they have working in that organization do war work or join the army and leave the farmers do as they see fit.
I think that a man 35 years or older that has live on a farm or down [done] hard jobs all his life should not be in the army cause he cant keep up with the other men. And I think it will be harder on him after he is out of the army.
If there was less "Apple-Polishing" & less FAVORTISM, our company would get along a lot better. Ratings were handed out thru much favoritism & not thru ability. I dont see any difference for a rating given to a married man instead of a single man with dependents also with ability to do better than the other. Get C.O.s who know how to run a Company instead of those bucking for higher ranks.
Give furloughs every 5 months & at least 12 to 14 days with traveling time. Have Sergeants & other non coms stop calling men indecent names which causes fights & confinements of men. That has happened here & the men get confined & the Non-coms get away with it because they are favorites. I have lost the job I love best in this army because of that & if I cant have my job as work, then I dont give a damn what happens to me. If they continue calling me those indecent names, I will keep on fighting with them because I am sure that I am not what they call some of us. Partiality is another thing. Whats good for the goose is good for the Gander. Please take notice. This is my biggest gripe in the Army.
I was once an aviation cadet and was very proud to be one, but at primary flying school, 73% of my class was eliminated. This does not seem right, I am sure it was not the fault of all the cadets that were eliminated. Promises which were made to me when I enlisted were not kept when I was eliminated.

There is to much waste of time
and too many poor instructors in the technical training schools of the Air Corps.
Why must a soldier stay in the same camp for over six months and do the same thing over and over til he gets sick of it and don't care to do his best any more . I join the Army but in time I feel maybe it would have been better if it had took the act of Congress to get me
in here if a man in a company like ours could only get a job doing something for about eight hours a day in sent of this doing nothing at all. It could improve the company a whole lot and maybe the men would change there minds about something and would not be so strip crazy as they are now. The sooner the war is over the happier the people will be.
I think a soldier in the air force, especially maintenance crews, should only work 8 hours a day. At the end of 8 hours a man quits working because he figures he has done his share for that day. If he is working 12 hours a day he only does 8 hours work anyhow. the rest of the time is spent fooling around. Each Group
should be furnished enough men so that they would only have to work 8 hours a day. The case on this field is that we have to many planes for the small amount of men we have to take care of them. When a man quits work at the end of 12 hour a day 7 days a week he is to tired to do anything but sleep. He doesn't have time to go out and have a good time and relax a little. I guess we all know the old adage "all work and no play Makes Jack a dull Boy." This seems to be the case at this particular field cause we don't have enough men for the amount of equipment we have. We are doing 24 hours a day work with the amount of men it is supposed to take to do 8 hours work.
I'd like to see an international army after the war to see that these aggressors haven't got another chance to rise. Don't reconstruct their cities. Let them rebuild them. That should keep them busy for quite some time. Don't take over their industries but see that they don't make anything that even slightly resembles a war weapon. Let the countries vote to see that they belong to the country which the majority desires. Don't divide the islands and give one half to one country and the other half to another. Abolish all free cities such as Danzig etc. Try to send soldiers to camp near home. Improve living conditions in these camps.
if they would give a soldier a fair brake and a little more pay it would help a lot, if the girls in the defence factory could get less and a boy or a soldier more pay they would fight more for they country and if half of the white collar men at Washington were on the front lines the war would end overnight.
In my personal opinion, I don't think the Army knows what they want to do with all the men they are drafting. In my case, our regiment has been leaving the states for duty since last January. We are still here. If we're not going to work or fight, let's go home and save money for the government. We are only wasting it here. That's all!
Why in the world do you the army take fellows from the north & send them to the south & teach them the same thing they are teaching the southerns up north. The best way to boost morale to 1000 is to send them nearer home.
I think we should stop all this paper work and get on the ball. And train men, not in to big a hurry. But do it harder then send them over. I have been in the Army for three year. After a man is in the Army over a year he does not
do as much work as he does in the first six months of Army life. After he is trained to do his job its then just a job to him. The Army should be hard and stay that way. If you train a man hard, hes ready to go over, but if he is keep in the States a year or over after he is trained and doing the time of war. He looses that hard Army life. He don't care to fight or he don't care if he does or not. He forgets what he fighting about. Thats why I think a man is best ready to fight within six months. Lets stop all this paper work, train and let us get this over with. We want to fight.
I think a person, to really make a good soldier, be allowed to transfer into any branch of the service the wanted. Only after his basic training is over. Basic training is very important.

But for a man to be his best he must also like his work. You can't drive a fellow to do his best, if he doesn't like his work.