Question 78: Free Response


Redeployment and Demobilization


US Form
What is the most important thing you would like to see the government do to make sure we will get along well with other countries after the war?
Put words or phrases inside quotes to search for an exact match.
I don't think Russia should be given the financial loan she is asking for now our people have a great enough debt to pay now. They might pay it back but so far we have collected very little from any nation who owed us. If they would tax their own people as high as we are, they wouldn't need a loan.I also think we treat our occupied nations too much like they were guests. We treat Italy almost like she was an allie, just because she surrendered first. They have almost completely removed the occupation troops from there. If they try the same tatics with Germany it may prove fatal.
Why in this Democratic country we do not have a more democratic run army. Not that we shouldn't have officers or discipline but there should be committees of the men themselves to give suggestions for betterment of army life and even fighting technique. This is not fostered. Industry has learned better in asking the cooperation of the men themselves plus suggestions. They have saved millions of dollars and done great in production. Here they do the opposite and actually destroy men's initiative.Also they should use in the army the skill that the older men coming in have instead of loosing it.
Civilians working with military men on our air base, for instance is wrong. For one thing civilians do the same work a G.I. does for four times more money. Its bad for the soldiers morale & the sooner they draft those "essential" feather merchants the better my morale will be.
The Southern States are still fighting the Civil War; and theris nothing being done about it.
Why in hell does the Army keep 8,000,000 men & keep buying everything in the Book when we can't possibly use this total economic & physical power to fight Japan. Publish our surrnder terms to the Jap irrespective of what they are. Germany fought for months because we bungled "unconditional surrender"We are getting the idea the Army & Navy hate to give up their stars & power to reconvert this country to peacetime even thou it keeps us at war!
I would myself like to see the point system lowered. As I am getting on in age and have been in the Army for nearly four years. If I can get out now I might still be able to get myself a half way decent job and home for my wife. We have 8 million men in the Army and are now fighting only one war. Not 2. They should give us fellows a break and send us home. They surly are drafting enough men every day to take our place. Lets have something done about that soon.
Why can't the American Army be as democratic as it is advertised to be.
I am a Negro soldier who was drafted in the army. Im trying to do my part of the job the best of my ability. I don't care about segregation and discrimination, I only wish that all Negros be treated as citizens of this country and not as a inferior race of people. Im proud of the Negro soldiers who have fought so gallantly in this war. White soldiers are not hated by me. As long as a man has the U.S. Uniform on he is OK by me. Please remove all men from Congress who desire to bring race hatred between the two (2) races by making statements always bad and degrading against the Negro Race. White soldiers here in this camp and I desire to associate together by JIM CROWISM hinders it. Please consider my RACE more as humans being not insignificant creatures.
After the fall of Germany our people began to feel that the war was over. It is difficult to keep my mind on the war when every time I pick up a paper I read about this industry or that returning to peacetime pursuits - Ford cars - washing machines - irons etc. will soon be plentiful - but poor me I have to stay here and get ready for a boat ride to Okinawa - or China - -We are the arsenal of democracy why can't we supply the Chinese and use volunteers to train them and with a voluntary force beat the Japs? It can be done. The people are thinking in terms of peace. I'm no exception - and I know if I was a kid of 18 - I would be full of spirit - as it is I am 33 - married - never really got a start in life due to the depression - Hobo - CCC - then NRA and Wagner Act a factory job at $18 - up to $30 through union activity - then bang Greeting - and 2 1/2 years of bookkeeping away from home - I'm ready to throw in the towel.
Why does the U.S. Army insist upon segregation of its troops in camps, posts, etc, thus causing loss of morale? Why doesn't the Army appoint a musician to some high rank to take charge of the many army bands?
My job being a dental technician in the first six months have been made to keep a record of everything I do which means that if I hurry at my job I will do poor work & if I am too slow I will probably get the business to some other branch of the service. My officers have informed me to pad the paper & push the pencil as much as possible & do the best work possible. Do you think this is fair if I do quality work and someone else does poor work?
Why don't they lower the age limit to 30 yrs because they don't draft them over 26 anymore and there is enough young men to fight the rest of the war anyway. This way it would give the older men a better chance to get a start in Business before they are too old. The younger fellows will still have time for business opportunity - where and older man will not.
How does the government expect to get jobs for all men discharged from the service? How will the government keep down inflation? How can we assure ourselves of peace if other nations do not cooperate in our allied agreements? Why does anyone who is permanently for overseas have to stay in the Army if they can be replaced? Can any service man ever be able to be assured of a job upon his discharge? Why do we treat Jap & German prisoners so good when they let ours starve or else shoot them? Is there any reason why we shouldn't kill all men, women, & children who have ideas of ruling the world?
Why should we keep troops in Italy for occupational. Let them build their own country up and not help them and, keep them out of the States.
If a man comes into the Army at a young age he will have a permanent home unless he is sent to combat. Now that you wait so long I don't want to go, because I know I will be overseas longer than many of them stayed. Unless I go over sea I will have to stay in the Army about 8 years to get 85 points. Try to make a better plan or easier way for the men. I've been in several outfits so far and my visiting and the moral is nearly the same. If I have to stay in for a life time why didn't you sign me up for life when they drafted me into the Army. At least you would have more consideration than I get now.
6. Americans should be given more priveleges [privileges] , especially the poor. 7. Our interests should be looked after more and not those of a foreign power. 8. Unless the wealth of the country is more equally divided, the United States will eventually have a partial communist or Socialist form of Govt., perhaps in less than 100 years there are indications of it during the War. 9. The Army should award rank and ratings on ability and brains, not according to politics, civilian fame, or friendships (Example: General Elliott Rosevelt [Roosevelt] ). No body can make General, so easily, without help. 10. Cut down so much power and so much unfairness between officers and EM [enlisted men] . Especially an officer's power or Court-Martial
I feel that Senator Eastland as a law maker should be careful about reflection he cast on negro soldiers since laws are made to bar and subdue them. The law makers are responsible for their failur in the war if they failed.
I would like to know why they keep men in the army that are physically unfit for most duties.It looks like to me the Gov. would profit by discharging men like them, and it would also help the man that is in bad health. We have disqualified men laying around in our Company that do practically nothing, and have been doing so, for a number of months. I can't see that any one profits by that.
Why doesn't the army put an end to its discriminatory practices? They are far behind the navy. After all the Negro is an American too and he is fighting this war just as hard as the white man though Lord knows he hasn't too much to fight for. He is here, not because he wanted to be but because he was brought here. Give him a chance.
Why did they stop drafting men over thirty, after Germany was defeated and retain men over thirty who haven't been in the army, only a few days before VE Day Its not giving the men a square deal that were drafted only a few days before VE Day.