S77: Hospital Study

To collect data on the attitudes of enlisted men in Army hospitals with particular stress on:

a. Special Services and Red Cross activities

b. Special problems, such as the need for information on Veterans' Administration and the rights of veterans, local help, Army insurance, allotments and dependency items

c. Post-war plans



Oct '43

Original Size




Sample Description

The study has three samples:

a. Form A: 1,789 enlisted men who were patients at three Army general hospitals or their annexes.

b. Form B: 1,777 enlisted men who were patients at three Army general hospitals or their annexes.

c. Form C: 1,811 enlisted men assigned to duty at three Army general hospitals or their annexes.

Sample Method

The study was administered at three Army general hospitals and the annexes attached to two of them.

a. The hospitals and annexes included are Lawson General Hospital, McCloskey General Hospital and Waco Annex, Walter Reed General Hospital and Forest Glen Annex.

b. In the cases of patients (Forms A&B), an entire ward was sampled at one time and all wards in which the men were well enough to participate were included in the study.

c. In addition, personal interviews were made among patients who could not fill out the questionnaires by themselves.

d. In the ease of duty personnel, a random sample was chosen at each hospital on an nth man basis, and the questionnaire was administered to classroom size groups.

Scales and Scores

a. Personal adjustment punched in top half of Col. 77 (Form B)

b. Interest in Life punched in bottom half of Col. 77 (Form, B)

c. Post-war Education punched in Col. 78 (Form B)

d. Gang punch indicating type of Ward punched in Col. 80 of Forms A, B & C of Walter need Hospital only

Location Details

Lawson General Hospital, GA

McCloskey General Hospital, TX

Walter Reed General Hospital, MD

Woodrow Wilson General Hospital, VA

Field Personnel

William Woodworth

A. Lee Coleman

Ralph Lewis

T.M. Hurt

Jack Elinson

Study Analysts

Jack Elinson


B-86 Some Attitudes and Opinions of Enlisted Men Patients at Walter Reed General Hospital

B-88 Some Attitudes and Opinions of Enlisted Men Patients at McCloskey General Hospital

B-89 Some Attitudes and Opinions of Enlisted Men at Lawson General Hospital

B-92 What Enlisted Men Patients in U.S. Hospitals Think

Monthly Program Report, Section 10, January ‘44 What Enlisted Men Patients in U.S. Hospitals Think

Nara Catalog

Put words or phrases inside quotes to search for an exact match.
What is your Army rank or grade?
How old were you on your last birthday?
How far did you go in school?
In what state of the United States did you spend most of the last five years of your civilian life before you came into the Army? E. First column:
In what state of the United States did you spend most of the last five years of your civilian life before you came into the Army? E. Second column:
Where were you living most of the last five years of your civilian life before you came into the Army - was it in the country, in a town, or in a city?
Are you single, married, divorced or separated, or widowed? Q.7. Were you married before or after entering the Army?
How did you come into the Army?
How long have you been in the Army? E. If you have been in the Army before, then were out for a while, just check the length of time since you entered this last time. If you were in the National Guard, check the length of time since your outfit came into the Army.
What branch of the Army were you in before you came to the hospital?
How long have you been a patient in this hospital?
How much time - altogether - have you spent in Army hospitals (including this one) on account of your present sickness or injury?
As far as you know now, about how much longer would you guess you will have to stay in a hospital for your present sickness or injury?
Where did you get the sickness or injury that brought you to this hospital?
Do you think your present sickness or injury will affect any part of your body for the rest of your life in a way that people will notice it? If yes, what part of your body and in what way?
How much time during the day do you have to spend in bed at the present time?
Since you have been in the hospital, how would you say you feel most of the time - in good spirits or in low spirits?
Since you have been in the hospital, are you ever worried and upset?
Since you have been in the hospital, how often do you feel lonesome?
From what you know now, do you think your present sickness or injury is serious enough that you ought to be discharged from the Army?