S146: VD and Malaria (Magazine Questions)

The Theater Surgeon’s Office requested data on this area which would assist in evaluating the educational aspects of the venereal diseases program in the Theater.

a. In consultation with the Venereal Disease Control Officer, questions were asked covering:

  1. sexual intercourse practices
  2. V.D. preventive measures
  3. extent of information on V. D.
  4. sources from which information was obtained.

b. Malaria: Also at the request of the Theater Surgeon’s Office questions were Included on:

  1. the extent of malaria education

  2. the current status of information on malaria

  3. general attitudes toward malaria

  4. use of personal protective measures and of general protective measures.

    a) These data were needed to assist in evaluating the educational aspects of the malaria control program in the Theater. The questions were formulated in consultation with the Malariologist.

c. Morale and Recreation: Several of the standard morale items and questions on the adequacy of recreational facilities were included to serve as controls in the analysis of the V. D. and malaria questions.

d. Questions to the President: At the request of the Theater Political Advisor, the following question was included: “If you could talk to the President of the United States, what are the three most important questions you would like to ask him about?”



Jul '44

Original Size




Theater ID


Alternate Title

Attitudes toward Venereal Diseases

Sample Description

Two Army Stations were visited, one in Bengal, 90 miles from Calcutta; the other in upper Assam, near Chabua.

Sample Method

Types of Samples: a. Special sample of white enlisted men

  1. Number: 278
  2. Geographic Coverage: Outfits from both of the Stations visited.
  3. Special notes: Sample is a cross-section of literate white enlisted men in the outfits in which the study was conducted, but it is not a cross-section of the Theater, The outfits sampled were all of the non-combat, rear-area sort: Air Service Command, Ordnance, and Military Police.

b. Special sample of Negro enlisted Men

  1. Number: 293
  2. Geographic coverage: outfits from both of the Stations visited.
  3. Special notes: Sample is a cross-section of literate Negro enlisted men in the outfits in which the study was conducted but it is not a cross-section of the Theater.
  4. The outfits sampled were all of the non-combat, rear-area sort: Engineers and Quartermaster trucking companies.

Study Analysts

Paul D. Guernsey
Ira H. Cisin


CBI-6 “V.D.”: A Study of Attitudes, Actions, and Knowledge Related to Venereal Disease Among Two Groups of Soldiers in C-B-I

CBI-8 Questions to the President: A Study of Soldier Attitudes in C-B-I

CBI-10 Malaria: A Study of the Attitudes, Related to Malaria Among Two Groups of Soldiers in CBI

Nara Catalog

Put words or phrases inside quotes to search for an exact match.
What is your Army rank or grade?
How old were you on your last birthday?
How far did you go in school?
In what state of the United States did you spend most of the last five years of your civilian life before you came into the Army? E. Section:
Where were you living most of the last five years of your civilian life before you came into the Army?
Are you single, married, divorced or separated or widowed? F. If married: Q.7. Were you married before or after entering the Army?
How many children do you have?
How did you come into the Army?
How long have you been in the Army?
How long have you been in the China-Burma-India theater?
How long have you been stationed at this particular place?
What branch of the Army are you in now?
In general, how would you say you feel most of the time, in good spirits or in low spirits?
If it were up to you to choose, do you think you could do more for your country as a soldier or as a worker in a war job?
Since you have been at this station have you been able to find interesting things to do on your off-duty free time?
How good a job do you think the Army is doing in providing recreation and entertainment for the men in your outfit?
Do you think your officers are doing all they can to see that the men in your outfit have interesting things to do in their off-duty free time?
Since you have been in the China-Burma-India theater, how many talks by officers have you heard about venereal disease or sex problems?
Since you have been in the China-Burma-India theater, have you seen any films about venereal disease or sex problems?
How would you rate your own general knowledge about venereal diseases?