S141: Air Transport Command Enlisted Personnel Study
a. To provide ATC Special and Morale Services with data on two main topics:
- The post-war job aspirations of enlisted men with particular reference to military or commercial aviation
- The current and local needs for changes in orientation emphasis
b. In addition, the office of A-1, ATC, has become interested in the study’s possibilities of providing date on problems of morale and other personnel matters.
c. To some extent this study is an extension of S-106-E (Post-war Plans) and it may be seen that many of the same questions are used for comparability.
Original Size
Alternate Title
Attitudes in Air Transport Command
Sample Description
The survey was made on a pilot-study basis in the North Atlantic Wing only. A total of 2,441 enlisted men were surveyed in three foreign and two domestic stations.
The study contains the following samples:
a. 451 enlisted men in Iceland
b. 408 enlisted men at Goose Bay, Labrador
c. 515 enlisted men at Gander, Newfoundland
d. 566 enlisted men at Presque Isle, Maine
e. 501 enlisted men at Grenier Field, New Hampshire
Sample Method
See Planning Survey II for standard operating procedure.
Location Details
Meeks Field, Iceland
Goose Bay, Labrador
Gander, Newfoundland
Presque Isle, ME
Grenier Field, NH
Study Analysts
C-88 Post-War Aviation Plans of Enlisted Men in North Atlantic Division, Air Transport Command
C-89 Report on Brief Survey of Troop Morale in the Iceland Base Command
C-90 Indications of Morale in North Atlantic Division Air Transport Command
C-91 Miscellaneous Reports on EM Attitudes in North Atlantic Division, Air Transport Command
Nara Catalog

The main bad feature about this post is the presence of hundreds of overpaid, goldbricking civilians. There are 3 civilians assigned to the same job handled by one Army Man - and two Civilians stand and watch while the third works. And, the civilians are Blatantly obvious about their goldbricking.

I enlisted in the army to do sheetmetal work and never did get it. I have never got any benefit out of the army yet. I would have done better if I'd stayed out and worked in a defense plant. I could be doing a lot more to win the war out of the army than in it.

I should like very much to continue schooling after the war on a part-time basis, if a whole-time schooling is not possible. And I should enjoy working for either an airline company or the CAA in my present capacity.

Why must one's ability be judged by his rank? Ratings have been frozen or the section head has forgotten

I made Sgt while I was here and lost it and I don't think it was my fault and I never had any chance to defend myself, my C.O. would not let me talk to him about it.

Suggest cutting out formation on our off duty hours as these cause us to lose sleep. Suggest cutting out the use of Airplane Mechanics and other specialists for KP, and squadron duty.

I myself tried for 16 months to be a good soldier the best I knew how. Now I am discouraged. I will keep trying because I know when this is over it will be worth it. Thank You.

The officers are really chicken shit. For instance if an enlisted man doesn't show up for work one day he wants to throw the book at him. But it seems alright for an officer to come to work when he pleases. What is he getting paid for. The Canadians can ride a girl in a jeep. While us G.I.'s have to do a lot of sneaking around to give a girl a drive. It seems okay up here for the offices to have girls and plenty of whiskey in their rooms. But it sure is murder for us G.I.'s to have a little whiskey around outside of the club.This place is really like a prison once every three months a man can go on pass if he is lucky to get it. Some officers are very funny, no matter how hard a man works if he has it in for you. You will get

we transferred to have a chance to get somewhere. Being tied down with a low T.O. since I have been in the army, I have lost confidence in myself, and don't know whether I would be capable of responsibility any more or not, but would like a chance. I think after a year in a desolate place like this a man should be eligible for rotation.

2. Censors occasionally discuss what is written in our letters with enlisted men and officers working with them. 3. Promotions should be given to men who can pass a test on their type of work.

But since I have to stay here I keep it to my self and do my job as I am told.

2 - Men should receive more 72 hr passes. As things are right now, we receive them once every 3 or 4 months. 3. -Is this questianair actually going to do the men any good ?? 4.- How about trying to straighten our Mess Hall out? They serve meals that we wouldn't give to our enemy. They get good food to work on but when the cooks get through with the chow ,-- ugh.

It is also my opinion that there are officers and enlisted men on this base who look after their own ego and not the purpose of our being here. I have understood the officers and enlisted men mostly of the squadron orderly room to state they do not care how many planes come in or how much work there is on the line. That our duty is in the squadron first and work has been interrupted several times to stand formation & drill so as not to be restricted on our off duty hours.