S135: 8th Air Force Survey

Furnish Lieutenant General Spastz and Lieutenant General Doolittle with information on the will to fight and battle efficiency, and their relationship to one another and to various other factors.



Jun '44

Original Size




Theater ID

ES28A, ES28B

Alternate Title

Attitudes of officers and EM in 8th and 9th Air Force

Sample Description

300 Heavy Bomber Crews, 10 men each (4 officers, 6 enlisted men).

Sample Method

Twenty crews were selected from each of 15 Groups.

Location Details





AC of S, G-1, ETOUSA. Also by General Spaatz and General Doolittle


ES-28 Summary - Memo to CG USSTAF, subject Research Findings and Recommendations

ETO-19 Survey of Combat Crews in Heavy Bombardment Groups in ETO-Preliminary report

ETO-20 Difficulty of Missions - Supplement to “Survey of Heavy Bombardment Groups in ETO

ETO-21 What Combat Crews in Heavy Bombers Say About the Training They Received Before Starting Combat Flying

ETO-22 B-17 and B-24 Crews - A Comparison

ETO-23 Effects on Combat Personnel of Number and Frequency of Missions Flown

ETO-24 Attitudes of Heavy Bomber Crews Toward Combat Flying (Pts I & II)

ETO-25 Attitudes of Combat Crews Toward Their Flying Jobs, Promotions, and Assignment

ETO-26 Attitudes of Combat Crews Toward Rest, Time-off, and Base Facilities

ETO-27 Survey of Fighter Pilots in 8th Air Force: A Comparison With Heavy Bomber Pilots

ETO-28 Attitudes of Fighter Pilots Toward Combat Flying

ETO-29 Attitudes of Fighter Pilots Toward Assignment, Promotion, and Higher Headquarters

ETO-30 Survey of Fighter Pilots in 8th Air Force: Effects on Fighter Pilots of Number of Combat Hours Flown

ETO-31 Attitudes of Fighter Pilots Toward Their Pre-Combat Training

ETO-32 Attitudes of Fighter Pilots Toward Their Planes

Nara Catalog

Put words or phrases inside quotes to search for an exact match.
What is your main flying duty? If gunner, what position?
Give the approximate date when you went on your first combat mission:
Give the approximate date when you first came to your present group:
What is your rank or grade?
How old were you on your last birthday?
How well satisfied are you with your present assignment, as compared with other types of combat flying assignments? (If would be better satisfied in some other type of combat flying assignment, what type of assignment?)
How well do you think you are now fitted for your present assignment, as compared with other types of combat flying assignments? (If feel better fitted for some other type of combat flying assignment, what type of assignment?)
How many combat missions have you completed in the past 30 days?
How many combat missions have you flown up to now? (Do not count practice missions.) E. Combat missions completed: ANP (actual number missions.)
How many combat missions have you flown up to now? (Do not count practice missions.) E. Combat missions completed:
If you were doing it over again, do you think you would choose to sign up for combat flying?
On the whole, what sort of cooperation is your group getting from the fighter escorts?
As you see it at present, would you willingly take on another series of Heavy Bomber missions in the ETO after spending a 30-day furlough in the U.S.A.?
As you see it at present, would you willingly take on another series of Heavy Bomber missions in some other theater after spending a 30-day furlough in the U.S.A.?
How important a part do you think your type of outfit will play in winning the war?
From what you have seen, how well do you feel that higher headquarters (Wing, Division, 8th Air Force Hq.) understand your problems and needs?
Do you think you have the best type of airplane for the particular job which you have to do? If no, what type of plane do you think would be better?
About how many days in a row do you think a man in your job can fly on combat missions of the sort you've been on and keep his efficiency at a reasonably high level?
Before being taken off operations for rest and rehabilitation about how many missions do you think a man in your job can fly and keep his efficiency at a reasonably high level? (In answering think of missions of the sort you yourself have been on.)
What is the greatest number of days in a row that you have flown on combat missions?