Question 58.2: Free Response


Attitudes of Combat Infantrymen


Form A
Do you have any suggestions for improving "Stars and Stripes"?
Put words or phrases inside quotes to search for an exact match.
If they are going to write of happening on the "Front" they ought to come up and live there awhile.
More news from HOME
They given about everything that one should want in a small paper.
Tell us a little more of home news and the Pacific theater of operations.
It's a damn good paper
Give us more news. Would like to hear more about the front, we are not interested in what goes on in the rear.
- Making too many "mountains out of mole hills"
A little more news of the Home front.
Seems to be ok as it is.
No. It's allright [Alright] - I know the boys in combat thing [think] that the Readers Digest is allright [alright] in it - It gives you something to read on the line.
No suggestions except better delivery for the troops at the front.
A special page with more items from home and articles about what is coming after the war
Put in some comics to give the soldiers some humor
The paper is excelent [excellent] and beyond comparison because it tells the truth.
More Home news. Fewer "Pin up" pictures - editorial page