Free Response Answer 01-1466
Attitudes in One Division
Final Field Form (Rev.)
If you have any remarks to add to this survey, please write them here just as fully as you like:

My compliments, humble as they may be, to the originators of this survey. Keep it flying. This work is needed desperately. But how are you going to correlate results for study? While this case history method shows norms, you will not be able to achieve stricter averages of judgment by this method alone. Any way - keep it up.
P.S. Don't, for God's sake, take away furloughs right now. Don't get excited about Japan. Be calm and remember that we need furloughs more so now than before. To take away all furloughs now is not needed in this division yet - war organization will take time - and we don't want AWOL's. Let the men go on some kind of furlough rather than force theirNOW willing hands, or should I say feet?
P.S. Don't, for God's sake, take away furloughs right now. Don't get excited about Japan. Be calm and remember that we need furloughs more so now than before. To take away all furloughs now is not needed in this division yet - war organization will take time - and we don't want AWOL's. Let the men go on some kind of furlough rather than force their