Research Branch Terminology
- Analysis Section of the Research Branch plans surveys, constructs questionnaires, analyzes data, and prepares reports of the results found in the surveys.
- Breakage refers to the proportion of non-attendance at classes in the field. For example, a sample of 100 men may be selected to fill out a questionnaire, but only 90 report; the "breakage" is therefore 10 percent.
- Briefing constitutes the instruction given Field Study Officers on a particular study prior to their trips into the field with the questionnaire.
- Camp, Post, or Station is the Army term used to designate a military installation. Air base or Field are the terms used in AAF.
- Chief of Field Studies coordinates the activities of the Research Branch sections, particularly as these activities may affect the Field Study Section.
- Class is the term used to designate a single group pf men selected to fill out a particular questionnaire at one time in one room.
- Class Leader is the enlisted man who describes the questionnaire to a class and supervises filling it out.
- Clearance is a general term used to describe securing authorization, oral or written, from the proper military officials for visits to camps, posts, or stations in connection with the work of the Field Study Section.
- Experimental Section of the Research Branch plans experimental studies, constructs questionnaires, analyzes data, and prepares reports of the results obtained from experimental studies.
- Experimental Study — see Field Study.
- Field is the general term used to denote the area of activity outside Washington in which the Field Study Section works; it may be used with reference either to an itinerary or to military installations where completed questionnaires are secured.
- Field Data consist of the answers made by respondents to a questionnaire, usually in written form.
- Field Procedure denotes the standard practices to be followed by Field Teams in securing data for a study.
- Field Study is the generic term for any type of investigation undertaken by the Research Branch. A Field Study may be of: (a) the survey type; (b) the experimental type; or (c) the methodological type.
- Field Study Officer denotes the officer personnel of the Research Branch whose principal function is to supervise the collection of data from the field.
- Field Study Secretary is the person with the secretarial and stenographic work of the Field Study Section.
- Field Study Section of the Research Branch includes all personnel whose principal duty is the collection of data from the field.
- Field Team comprises one of more persons traveling together on the same itinerary; there may be as many as four or five separate teams working on one study.
- Field Trip denotes the journey of any one Field Team in the execution of their orders.
- Field Work includes all activities involved in the collection of data in the field by Field Study personnel.
- Methodological Study - See Field Study.
- MSR R-1 is the standard report form on which the Field Study Officer submits his Camp or Unit report to the Production Section.
- MSD R-2 is the standard report form filled out by Field Study Officer, Class Leaders, or both for each package of completed questionnaires returned to Washington
- Orders, as used in this SOP, are the official authorizations for each Field Trip undertaken by Field Study personnel.
- Order Section in the AGO issues all orders authorizing travel on official business.
- Post — see Camp.
- Production Section of the Research Branch does the coding, tabulating, and machine work involved in the analysis of data collected in the field.
- Questionnaire is the printed list of questions used in the field to secure the data for the studies made by the Research Branch (sometimes referred to as schedule.
- Report is the general term denoting any summarization of information for a Section of the Research Branch or for another branch of the Army; specifically, report in this SOP includes the following:
(a) MSD R-l and MSD R-2
(b) Survey Reports
(c) Unit Reports - Respondent is any soldier (officer or enlisted man) who fills out a questionnaire.
- Sample consists of the respondents selected from a particular universe to fill out a questionnaire.
- Station - See Camp.
- Statistician, as used in this SOP, is the person whose duty it is to select the sample needed for a Field Study.
- Survey — see Field Study.
- Survey Officer is the Field Study Officer appointed by the Chief of Field Studies to assume responsibility for satisfactory execution of a particular Field Study.
- Survey Report is the written statement prepared by each Field Study Officer upon the completion of each Field Trip to include observations regarding the questionnaire used, class leaders, post and unit officers, factors affecting the sample, conditions affecting classes, and any other points pertinent to future work at the same place or unit or pertinent to the analysis of the data.
- Transportation Request is a form used by Field Study officers in their capacity to secure railway tickets and Pullman reservations at Government expense for travel on official military business.
- Travel Order — See Orders.
- Unit, as apart from Camp, Post, or Station, denotes a military organization, such as a division or regiment, used for purposes of a Field Study; the word "outfit" is frequently used instead of "unit".
- Unit Report is a written statement prepared under the supervision of a Field Study Officer and based on the facts adduced from the questionnaires filled out by members of a unit; this report is prepared on written request by the Commanding Officer of the unit involved.
SOURCE: "Glossary of Terms," n.d., fol. Methodology, box 970, Justification for Research Division to Thursday Reports, Historical File, 1941-1955, Research Division, Information & Education Division, Army Service Forces, Entry 89, RG 330, NARA.
COVER IMAGE: Research Branch and US Army. “Glossary of Terms,” n.d., fol. Methodology, box 970, Justification for Research Division to Thursday Reports, Historical File, 1941-1955, Research Division, Information & Education Division, Army Service Forces, Entry 89, RG 330, NARA.