Ranks, Acronyms & Abbreviations

Army Ranks & Status

Enlisted Personnel

Pvt - Private

Pfc - Private 1st Class

T5 - Technician 5th Grade

Cpl - Corporal

T4 - Technician 4th Grade

Sgt - Sergeant

T3 - Technician 3rd Grade

S/Sgt - Staff Sergeant

T/Sgt - Technical Sergeant

M/Sgt - Master Sergeant

1Sgt - 1st Sergeant

Warrant Officers

WO1 - Warrant Officer 1

WO2 - Chief Warrant Officer 2

WO3 - Chief Warrant Officer 3

WO4 - Chief Warrant Officer 4

WO5 - Chief Warrant Officer 5

Commissioned Officers

2Lt - 2nd Lieutenant

1Lt - 1st Lieutenant

Capt - Captain

Maj - Major

LtC - Leutenant Colonel

Col - Colonel

BG - Brigadier General

MG - Major General

LtG - Lieutenant General

Gen - General

ARM - Airman

A/C - Aviation Cadet


KIA - Killed in Action

DOW - Died of Wounds

WIA - Wounded in Action

POW - Prisoner of War

FOD - Finding of Death

Dis - Discharged

Hon - Honorable discharge

DNB - Died, non-battle

Med - Medical discharge

MIA - Missing in Action

Marine Corps Ranks

Enlisted Personnel

Pvt - Private

Pfc - Private 1st Class

LCpl - Lance Corporal

T/Cpl - Technical Corporal

Cpl - Corporal

Sgt - Sergeant

S/Sgt - Staff Sergeant

GySgt - Gunnery Sergeant

MSgt - Master Sergeant

Warrant Officers

W1 - Warrant Officer 1

W2 - Warrant Officer 2

W3 - Warrant Officer 3

W4 - Warrant Officer 4

W5 - Warrant Officer 5

Commissioned Officers

2Lt - 2nd Lieutenant

1Lt - 1st Lieutenant

Capt - Captain

Maj - Major

Lt Col - Lieutenant Colonel

Col - Colonel

B Gen - Brigadier General

Maj Gen - Major General

Lt Gen - Lieutenant General

Gen - General

Coastal Guard (USCG), Navy (USN), and Merchant Marine (USMM) Ranks

Enlisted Personnel

Pvt - Private

Pfc - Private 1st Class

LCpl - Lance Corporal

T/Cpl - Technical Corporal

Cpl - Corporal

Sgt - Sergeant

S/Sgt - Staff Sergeant

GySgt - Gunnery Sergeant

MSgt - Master Sergeant

Warrant Officers

W1 - Warrant Officer 1

W2 - Warrant Officer 2

W3 - Warrant Officer 3

W4 - Warrant Officer 4

W5 - Warrant Officer 5

Commissioned Officers

2Lt - 2nd Lieutenant

1Lt - 1st Lieutenant

Capt - Captain

Maj - Major

Lt Col - Lieutenant Colonel

Col - Colonel

B Gen - Brigadier General

Maj Gen - Major General

Lt Gen - Lieutenant General

Gen - General

Military Acronyms & Abbreviations

1st O, 2d O, 3d O - First Officer, Second Officer, Third Officer

4-F - Not acceptable for service in the Armed Forces for medical, dental, or other reasons

A-1 - Assistant Chief of Air Staff for Personnel

A-4 - Assistant Chief of Air Staff for Materiel

AA - Antiaircraft

AAA - Antiaircraft artillery

AAB - Army Air Base

AACS - Army Airways Communications Service

AAF - Army Air Forces

ABC - American-British Conversations Jan-Mar 41

ABDA - Australian-British-Dutch-American

ACAN - Army Command and Administrative Communications Network

Acft - Aircraft

ACofAS - Assistant Chief of Air Staff

ACofS - Assistant Chief of Staff

ACU - Army Combat Unit

ADC - Alaska Defense Command

Adv - Advanced

AEF - American Expeditionary Forces 1917-18

AF - Air Forces

AFHQ - Allied Forces Headquarters North Africa

AFPAC - Army Forces in the Pacific

AFWESPAC - Army Forces in the West Pacific

AG - Adjutant General

AGCT - Army General Classification Test

AGD - Adjutant Generals Department

AGF - Army Ground Forces

AGO - Adjutant Generals Office

AGWAR - Adjutant General War Department

Almt - Allotment

AM - Aircraft Maintenance

AM - Air Mechanics

AMC - Allied Military Currency

AMET - Africa-Middle East Theater

ANC - Army Nurse Corps

ANPB - Army-Navy Petroleum Board

AR - Army Regulations

AS - Air Staff

ASC - Air Service Command

ASF - Army Service Forces

Asgd - Assigned

Asgmt - Assignment

ASGS - Assistant Secretary of the General Staff

ASTP - Army Specialized Training Program

ASW - Assistant Secretary of War

ASWA - Assistant Secretary of War for Air

ATC - Air Transport Command

ATS - Auxiliary Territorial Service

Atzd - Authorized

AUS - Army of the United States

Auth - Authority

AVG - American Voluntary Group

AWPD - Air War Plans Division

AWS - Air Warning Service

AWS - Aircraft Warning Service

AWVS - American Womens Volunteer Services

Bd - Board

Bmr - Bomber

Bn - Battalion

Bsc - Basic

CA(AA) - Coast Artillery (Anti-Aircraft)

CAD - Civil Affairs Division

CBI - China-Burma-India theater

Cbl - Cablegram

CCS - Combined Chiefs of Staff

CDD - Certificate of Disability for Discharge

Cen - Center

CENPAC - Central Pacific

CFTC - Central Flying Training Command

CG - Commanding General

CIC - Counterintelligence Corps

CID - Criminal Investigation Division

CinC - Commander in Chief

CINCAFPAC - Commander in Chief US Army Forces in the Pacific

CINCPAC - Commander in Chief US Pacific Fleet

Cir - Circular

CKC - Cotton Khaki Clothing

Classif - Classification

Cmd - Command

CMTC - Citizens Military Training Corps

CO - Commanding Officer

Co - Company

Cof - Chief of (in combinations)

CofAC - Chief of Air Corps

CofAS - Chief of Air Staff

CofS - Chief of Staff

CofT - Chief of Transportation

Com - Committee

Comd - Command

Comdr - Commander

Comdt - Commandant

COMINCH - Commander in Chief US Fleet

Comptr - Comptroller

Conf - Conference

Contl - Control

Conv - Conversation

COSSAC - Chief of Staff Supreme Allied Command

CPS - Combined Staff Planners

CPT - Civilian Pilot Training program

CQ - Charge of Quarters

CSigO - Chief Signal Officer

CsofS - Chiefs of Staff

CT - China Theater

CWS - Chemical Warfare Service

DF - Disposition form

DcofS - Deputy Chief of Staff

Def - Defense

DEML - Detached Enlisted Mens List

Dep - Deputy

Det - Detachment

Dir - Director

Div - Division

DRB AGO - Departmental Records Branch Adjutant Generals Office

DSM - Distinguished Service Medal

Dtl - Detail

Dy - Duty

EDC - Eastern Defense Command

EFS - Extended Field Service

EM - Enlisted men

Engr - Engineer

Enl - Enlisted

Enlmt - Enlistment

EO - Executive Order

ESCTC - Eastern Signal Corps Training Center

Est - Estimate

ETO - European Theater of Operations

ETOUSA - European Theater of Operations US Army

EW - Enlisted women

Exec - Executive Officer

FA - Field Artillery

FEAF - Far East Air Forces

FEASC - Far East Air Service Command

Fin - Finance

Fld - Field

FM - Field Manual

FY - Fiscal Year

G-l - Personnel Section

G-2 - Military Intelligence Section

G-3 - Operations Section

G-4 - Supply Section

Gen - General

GHQ - General Headquarters

GO - General Order

Gp - Group

Gr - Grade

Grd - Ground

GS - General Staff

GSUSA - General Staff US Army

H Res - House Resolution

Hcom - House Committee

HD SSLSA - Historical Division Special Staff US Army

Hist - Historical

HRPOE - Hampton Roads Port of Embarkation

Hv - Heavy

IE - Information and Education

IARTC - Infantry Advanced Replacement Training Center

IB - India Burma

IBT - India-Burma theater

IG - Inspector General

IGD - Inspector Generals Department

Ind - Indorsement

Info - Information

Insp - Inspection or Inspector

Instr - Instruction

Int - Intelligence

Intrv - Interview

Intpr - Interpreter

IOS - Intermediate Officers School

IPCOG - Informal Policy Committee on Germany

IPD - Industrial Personnel Division

IRTC - Infantry Replacement Training Center

JA - Judge Advocate

JAdC - Joint Administrative Committee

JAG - Judge Advocate General

JB - Joint Board

JCB - Joint Communication Board

JCS - Joint Chiefs of Staff

JLC - Joint Logistics Committee

JLPC - Joint Logistics Plans Committee

JMTC - Joint Military Transportation Committee

JPS - Joint Staff Planners

JPWC - Joint Post-War Committee

JSSC - Joint Strategic Survey Committee

Jt - Joint

JUSSC - Joint US Strategic Committee

JWPC - Joint War Plans Committee

KP - Kitchen Patrol (e.g., peeling potatoes)

LA - Limited Ability

Leg - Legislative

Ln - Liaison

Ltr - Letter

MR - Memo for Record

MT - Manning Tables

MAAF - Mediterranean Allied Air Forces

MAB - Munitions Assignments Board

Maj - Major

MAT - Mental Alertness Test

MC - Medical Corps

MD - Medical Department

MDay - Day when general mobilization of forces should begin

MDW - Military District of Washington

Med - Medical

MI - Military Intelligence

MID - Military Intelligence Division

Mil - Military

Min - Minutes

MIS - Military Intelligence Service

MOS - Military Occupational Specialty

MPB - Military Personnel Branch

MPD - Military Personnel Department

Msg - Message

MT - Motor Transport

MTD - Military Training Division

MTP - Military Training Program

Mtg - Meeting

MTO - Mediterranean Theater of Operations

MTOUSA - Mediterranean Theater of Operations US Army

Mun - Munitions

Mvmt - Movement

NAACP - National Association for the Advancement of Colored People

NAR - North Atlantic Ring

NATO - North African Theater of Operations

NATOUSA - North African Theater of Operations US Army

NCAC - National Civilian Advisory Council

NCO [NonCom/Non-Com] - Non-Commissioned Officer

NYPOE - New York Port of Embarkation

O - Office in combinations

Obsn - Observation

Obsr - Observer

OC - Officer Candidate

OCMH - Office of the Chief of Military History

OCofOrd - Office Chief of Ordnance

OCofS - Office Chief of Staff

OCS - Office of Chief of Staff

OCS - Officer Candidate School

OCSigO - Office Chief Signal Officer

Off - Officer

OPD - Operations Division

Opn - Operation

Opns - Operations

OQMG - Office of the Quartermaster General

Ord - Ordnance

Orgn - Organization

OSS - Office of Strategic Services

OSW - Office of the Secretary of War

OTI - Office of Technical Information

OWI - Office of War Information

OWM - Office of War Manpower

PA - Personnel and Administration Division

PO - Plans and Operations

Par - Paragraph

Pdn - Production

Pers - Personnel or Personal

PL - Public Law

Plng - Planning

PM - Provost Marshal

PMG - Provost Marshal General

POA - Pacific Ocean Areas

POE - Port of Embarkation

POM - Preparation for Overseas Movement

POW/PW - Prisoner of War

Prov - Provisional

PRO - Public Relations Officer

Proj - Project

Project R - Project Repatriation

PX - Army Exchange

QM - Quartermaster

QMC - Quartermaster Corps

QMG - The Quartermaster General

RI - Recruiting and Induction

Rcd - Record

Rctg - Recruiting

Reasgmt - Reassignment

Rec - Record

Reg - Regulation

Reorgn - Reorganization

Rep - Representative

Repl - Replacement

Reqmt - Requirement

Res - Reserve

ROSP - Readiness Standing Operations Procedures

ROTC - Reserve Officers Training Corps

RPB - Recruiting Publicity Bureau

S - Senate (before bill numbers)

S Doc - Senate Document

SP - Strategy Policy Group

SANACC - State-Army-Navy-Air Force Coordinating Committee

Sch - School

SEAC - Allied Southeast Asia Command

SEAC - Southeast Asia Command

Sec - Section

Ser - Serial

Serv - Service

SFPOE - San Francisco Port of Embarkation

SG - Surgeon General

SGO - Surgeon Generals Office

SGS - Secretary of the General Staff

SHAEF - Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Force

Sig C - Signal Corps

SigO - Signal Officer

SN - Secretary of the Navy

SO - Special Order

SOP - Standing Operating Procedure

SOPAC - Southern Pacific

SOS - Services of Supply

Sp - Special

SPARS - Womens service in the US Coast Guard

SPD - Special Planning Division

Sped - Specialist

SPOBS - Special Observer Group American Mission in Britain

SS - Selective Service

SSN - Specification Serial Number

SSUSA - Special Staff US Army

Stat - Statistical

Stf - Staff

Str - Strength

Sub - Subject

Surr - Surrender

Surv - Survey

Svc - Service Command

SW - Secretary of War

SWNCC - State-War-Navy Coordinating Committee

SWPA - Southwest Pacific Area

T - Theater

TE - Table of Equipment

TO - Table of Organization

Tab - Table

TAFS - Tuskegee Army Flying School

TAG - The Adjutant General

TC - Transportation Corps

Tech - Technical

Telg - Telegram

TIG - The Inspector General

Tng - Training

Tp - Telephone

Tr - Troops

TS - Top Secret

TTCS - Tactical Terminal Control Systems

UK - United Kingdom

UNCIO - United Nations Conference on International Organization

USA - United States Army

USAF - US Air Forces

USAFBI - US Army Forces in the British Isles

USAFFE - US Army Forces in the Far East

USAFI - US Armed Forces Institute

USAFIME - US Army Forces in the Middle East

USAFISPA - US Army Forces in the South Pacific Area

USAFPAC - US Army Forces Pacific

USAFWESPAC - US Army Forces West Pacific

USASOS - US Army Services of Supply Southwest Pacific

USASTAF - US Army Strategic Air Forces

USFCT - US Forces China Theater

USFET - US Forces European Theater Redesignation of ETOUSA after 1 Jul 45

USMA US - Military Academy

USMBW - Munitions Assignments Board

USMC - United States Marine Corps

USN - US Navy

USO - United Service Organizations

USSR - Union of Soviet Socialist Republics

USSTAF - US Strategic Air Forces in Europe

USW - Under Secretary of War

VA - Veterans Administration

VLR - Very long-range bomber

WAAC - Womens Army Auxiliary Corps

Waac - A member of the WAAC

WAAF - Womens Army Auxiliary Force proposed name for WAAC

WAAF - Womens Auxiliary Air Force British

WAC - Womens Army Corps

Wac - A member of the WAC

WAF - Women in the Air Force

WASP - Women Air Service Pilots

Wave - A member of the WAVES

WAVES - Women Accepted for Volunteer Emergency Service (the women's service in the US Navy)

WCT - Womens Classification Test

WD - War Department

WDBPR - War Department Bureau of Public Relations

WDC - Western Defense Command

WDCMC - War Department Classified Message Center

WDCSA - Chief of Staff US Army

WDGS - War Department General Staff

WDSS - War Department Special Staff

WFTC - Western Flying Training Command

WIRES - Women in Radio and Electrical Service

WMC - War Manpower Commission

WO - Warrant Officer

WPD - War Plans Division

ZI - Zone of Interior

COVER IMAGE: "Men of the 318th Fighter Group look over memorandum tacked on bulletin board. Ie Shima, Ryukyu Retto. 11 July 1945. (U.S. Air Force Number 65171AC)." Courtesy of NARA 342-FH-3A04631-65171AC, NAID 204839653.